A Republican California lawmaker warned families to escape from the Golden State after legislators advanced a bill on Tuesday that...
A transgender murderer who killed both his babies and stuffed one of their bodies into a Tupperware container is to...
A recent internal document in the City of Dallas mandates that employees of the city use people’s preferred pronouns or...
Meet U.S. Army Major Rachel Jones, a biological man who not only purports to be a woman but is now...
A suspect from a mass shooting that occurred in 2022 at the LGBTQ bar Club Q in Colorado Springs pleaded...
Defiant "queer" activists at a New York City "Drag March" on Saturday chanted: "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for...
Police Report Reveals Trans Activist Behind Swatting of Marjorie Taylor Greene Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene reported that she was swatted...