‘The world is laughing at us’: Army celebrates former ‘suicidal’ transgender major touting LGBTQ+ pride
3 min read
News & Information
Meet U.S. Army Major Rachel Jones, a biological man who not only purports to be a woman but is now being celebrated for such.
“The U.S. Army Sustainment Command Cyber Division chief, G6 (Information Management), struggled with depression and suicidal ideation for most of her life. Today, she is living her truth and is no longer battling depression or suicidal thoughts,” a profile of him published last month by the U.S. Army reads.
Notice the use of female pronouns …
“Hi. I’m Major Rachel Jones, and what ‘Pride’ means to me is celebrating that diversity is our strength as a nation and as an army,” he said in the video.
“‘Pride’ means something very special to me as an LGBT individual and it’s a chance to show everyone what we have to offer in terms of the diverse skillsets that we bring and the diverse ways of thinking that we bring into the team to make everything work better,” he added.
People like him believe that racial and sexual orientation diversity make companies and groups and whatever else more productive. There is evidently some truth to this.
Researchers “have found that it leads to higher-quality work, better decision-making, greater team satisfaction, and more equality—under certain circumstances,” according to Harvard Business Review (HBR).
But like everything else, it’s not perfect by any means.
“Having people from various identity groups ‘at the table’ is no guarantee that anything will get better; in fact, research shows that things often get worse, because increasing diversity can increase tensions and conflict,” HBR also notes.
It especially doesn’t help, critics argue, when diversity is coupled with delusion — like the delusion of believing one is of the opposite sex.
This, they maintain, holds especially true for the military
Dovetailing back to the U.S. Army profile of Jones, it says that he grew up depressed.
“When I was growing up in the 80s and 90s there was a lot of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. I don’t think many people meant to do that, but it’s something I heard as I was growing up repeatedly,” he told the Army.
“So much so that I was convinced I was inherently evil for being transgender. The pressure of hiding all of the time was so bad I grew up depressed and suicidal to the point that I always had a plan to end my life,” he added.
Most people would likely understand this sentiment, right? But what Jones said next was very troubling.
“Even when deployed, the greatest threat to my own safety was myself,” he said.
When a U.S. Army soldier is overseas defending the interests of America and its allies, is it appropriate for said soldier to be in such a state of mental disrepair that he or she is suicidal? Most people would say no.
“This man, who calls himself Major Rachel Jones, is a security risk. He has a documented history of depression and suicidal thoughts, yet he manages a major Pentagon computer system. Gee, what could possibly go wrong? Does anyone remember Bradley Manning? What if ‘Rachel’ snaps?” one critic wondered.
Things allegedly eventually got better for Jones when, when on a six-month assignment away from home, he decided to seek therapy.
“Since getting into therapy, I was able to detangle my feelings about being transgender and disconnect it with being evil and the suffocating shame. I started to accept and love myself,” he told the Army.