February 19, 2025


News & Information

New Internal Emails Show Evidence of Vote Manipulation in Atlanta (Fulton County, GA)

3 min read

As the story of what happened in the 2020 elections continues to unfold, more and more evidence continues to make itself known. Now newly revealed internal emails show that one of the most controversial incidents during the 2020 elections were the wrongful processing of voting ballots in Fulton County, Georgia. Also known as Atlanta for those keeping score.

“Two separate sworn affidavits from Election Night poll workers claimed that, at roughly 10:30 p.m. on Nov. 3, an official directed workers to stop working and to return the next day at 8:30 a.m,” the report continued.

Back in November local news outlets reported that the election observers and some of the workers had been sent home. This was even backed up by the Georgia Election Authorities who eventually caved and conceded to the conversation.

“Counting at the State Farm Arena, however, continued past 10:30 p.m. after most staffers had left,” the report added. “In December, [county spokeswoman Regina Waller] told Just the News that, contrary to the numerous media reports, she had ‘stated to all media … that although several workers were released to go home, a small team remained behind to assist with scanning ballots.’”

The local news stations didn’t even alert the public to the fact at the time all of this was happen, figures right?

“In the emails obtained this weekend by Just the News through an open records request, Waller appears to indicate that the ballot-counting team had dispersed by around 10:30 p.m.,” the report states.

What this suggests my friends is a massive cover-up of the vote tabulating operation in Fulton County, Georgia.

“In the email, timestamped at 10:22 p.m. on Nov. 3 and addressed to several county officials as well as State Farm Arena spokesman Garin Narain, Waller wrote: ‘The workers in the Absentee Ballot Processing area will get started again at 8 am tomorrow’,” Just the News says.

Check out one of the internal emails obtained from Just the News:

“In a message sent at 11:15 p.m. that night, Fulton County Interagency Affairs Manager Fran Phillips-Calhoun wrote to Waller and several other county staffers: ‘FYI – [the Secretary of State’s office] just sort of threw the team under the bus stating that ‘we had a great day, but we decided to throw in the towel for the night even though the public is waiting…’ on results’,” the email said. Both emails appear to be misleading in the sense that vote-tabulation was still going on at State Farm Arena.

Even though there was evidence of fraud, all the media did was move to claim it was a lie, and to try to debunk anyone and crucify anyone who disputed the election efforts in Georgia.

But wait, it gets much better. The CCTV video of the arena was obtained with a legal affidavit and its time stamped.

You can watch the video above for yourself, there’s no falsification here of the facts. Just the truth, and the video speaks for itself.

It looks as though some of those within the Republican Party were even in on the fix. Georgia Republican Party Field Organizer, Michelle Branton and Georgia Republican Ballot Watcher, Mitchell Harrison said in a sworn testimony that the poll watchers were dismissed. That’s not even remotely true.

As you can see at least 4 workers stayed behind, and according to their affidavits. Not only that, but counting suddenly stopped when a poll watcher returned.

“The two left State Farm Arena ‘shortly after 10:30 p.m.’ and said that some time after returning to the Fulton County Board of Elections Warehouse, they became aware that ballot counting was still continuing at the arena,” Just the News said. “Harrison said he and another worker eventually returned to to the Arena ‘just before 1:00 a.m.,’ upon which ‘we were told counting had been going on, but had just ended in the last few minutes’.

These my friends are all the classic signs of a cover-up.

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