July 26, 2024


News & Information

Friendly fire: NY Times torches ‘The View’ as nothing more than a ‘chorus of conformity’

4 min read

The echo chamber of raving left-wing lunatics on “The View” was savagely critiqued by a New York Times columnist who, as a longtime fan of the show, laments how it has become little more than a “chorus of conformity” with the co-hosts agreeing on virtually all topics and enforcing obedient loyalty to Democrats, especially when it comes to President Joe Biden.

In her Friday column titled “‘The View’ Has Narrowed,” author Megan Stack provides a scathing review of a show that has lost its way and that is unlikely to have her invited to sit at the table with the shrieking harpies on the popular ABC daytime show that plumbs new depths of dumbness on a daily basis, where the co-hosts malign their fellow Americans as racists and strictly enforce ideological adherence to the Democratic Party and its destructive agenda.

One example cited by Stack was an appearance by former Obama regime apparatchik and Democrat strategist David Axelrod who, after expressing mild criticism about Biden’s age, was told by co-host Joy Behar that he “should keep his mouth shut” and that the show’s flaming leftist ringleader had proclaimed that “I’d rather have Joe Biden, drooling, than any Republican.”

In another example of lockstep enforcement that exists on the show, Stack referenced Whoopi Goldberg’s “You get behind him,” command to Democrats on Biden, “and we won’t have a problem.”

Behar also said that Biden “needs another four years to finish the job,” because. “You can’t fight fascism in four years only. You need eight years for that.”

She also pointed out that the show’s house conservative punching bag, Republican Alyssa Farah Griffin is regularly “silenced” and shut down and that “her counterpoints tend to get interrupted or dismissed by the rest of the panel.”


“I’ve been a regular Viewer for years, starting when I was a foreign correspondent salving late-night homesickness via satellite TV. Along the way I’ve amassed an encyclopedic knowledge of the hosts’ marriages and hobbies, and a habit of analyzing the ‘Hot Topics’ discussions as a bellwether of centrist America’s political and cultural trends,” Stack wrote. “I’m hardly alone — ‘The View’ has long inspired pieces of serious analysis that bob along like flotsam on a choppy sea of dressing room gossip, leaks and hate tweets. For me, though, it’s a solitary fixation, for none of my friends or family members have ever shared my interest in ‘The View.’”

Noting that her friends have no interest in watching because the co-hosts are “always arguing,” Stack opines, “Which is funny because, if you ask me, the co-hosts don’t argue nearly enough. At least, not substantively. Not anymore. The freewheeling discussions that once evoked a spectrum of American opinion on everything from reproductive rights to foreign policy — those have mostly fallen silent. ‘The View’ has become a chorus of conformity. The title of this show I’ve loved for years used to suggest messy and fearless debate. Lately, it seems like a command.”

Stack didn’t mention the constant anti-white racism spewed by the co-hosts, especially Sunny Hostin, and the outright lies from Behar, including her most recent claim that Republicans want to see LGBTQ+ people executed in the U.S. like in Uganda.

Some of the stricter measures of the Ugandan law include the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” which applies to pedophiles who have sex acts with children which would include child rapists, same-sex acts with disabled individuals, and the passing on of a terminal illness like AIDS through the act of homosexual sex. Also included in the law are tough penalties for grooming and the promotion of homosexuality that stop short of execution, but Behar left out that bit of relevant context.

Stack notes, “And there is no article of agreement more important — lending the show an intoxicating but oddly irreal flavor — as the ladies’ absolute disdain for Mr. Trump and, increasingly, anyone who belongs to his party.”

“There is an argument, familiar by now, that denying Mr. Trump and his supporters a platform is the only moral approach to a movement many regard as a historic evil,” she adds. “But trying to smother any serious consideration of his politics has the unfortunate effect of suggesting that we are afraid of letting Americans hear these ideas because — why? They might like them too much?”

“The ladies often seem on the brink of having an honest and textured discussion — somebody will say something intriguing — but the most compelling comments tend to go untouched,” Stack wrote.

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