TRUMP Was Right Again
2 min read
UPDATED 7:49 AM PT – Thursday, May 13, 2021 Maricopa County, Az
There’s a developing story out of Maricopa County, being covered by OAN News Arizona where “serious issues” have been discovered during the ballot audit. In a letter sent Wednesday, state Senate President Karen Fann asked the Board of Supervisors to explain several irregularities uncovered during the early stages of the audit.
Fann wrote the first issue is with regards to “Maricopa County’s apparent intent to renege on its previous commitment to comply fully with the legislative subpoenas.” She went on to say the chain of custody of the ballots has been insufficiently recorded, resulting in “apparent omissions, inconsistencies and anomalies.”
Most notably, however, was the recent discovery of several deleted databases from the Election Management System. One America’s Christina Bobb, of OAN Reports:

Donald Trump points out, on his new Website which you can visit by Clicking Here , that in addition to the issues we reported last week about the 2020 Election in Maricopa County, Arizona, it gets even worse.
Apparently the Databases of the Vote tallies have been deleted, though BY LAW they are supposed to be maintained for at least two years. We are barely a few months past the election. Additionally, ballots are missing, or never existed, in nearly all the submitted boxes of ballots. Each box is approximately 20% short of the reported ballots that are reported as being in those boxes.
No matter who you voted for or what your thoughts on Donald Trump, this should trouble everyone. Clearly this goes a lot deeper then some mere screw ups. It is looking like a concerted effort to hide and cover up knowing wrong doings.