July 26, 2024


News & Information

Federal Court Delivers Massive Blow To Obama and the IRS

3 min read

In a recent federal court ruling, Obama was dealt a huge setback when the judge ordered testimony from former IRS director of Exempt Organizations Unit Lois Lerner and her top aide Holly Paz to be released publicly.

The scandal around the IRS targeting conservative nonprofit groups and individuals opposed to Obama policies before the 2012 presidential election centered on these two officials.

The court ruled that the American public has a right to know what Lerner and Paz knew about the IRS’s illegal targeting and ordered their testimony to be released by May 7th.

This is a huge victory for those fighting for transparency and accountability from the IRS. And it’s a big blow to Obama, who has tried to sweep this scandal under the rug.

Lerner and Paz are key witnesses in the ongoing investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservatives. Their testimony will shed light on what exactly happened, who was responsible, and how high up the chain of command the illegal targeting went.

This is a major setback for Obama and his allies, who have been trying to keep Lerner and Paz’s testimony secret. And it’s a big win for those who believe in transparency and accountability.

A federal court has ordered the release of testimony from two former IRS officials who played key roles in the agency’s targeting of conservative nonprofit groups.

The testimony from Lois Lerner and Holly Paz is expected to shed new light on the role that politics played in the IRS’s actions.

Lerner, who headed the IRS’s tax-exempt organizations division, has been a central figure in the controversy. She was accused of using her position to target groups that were critical of the Obama administration.

Paz, who was a senior advisor to Lerner, was also accused of playing a role in the targeting.

The ruling by Judge Amy Berman Jackson is a major setback for the Obama administration, which had been fighting to keep the testimony secret.

The testimony is expected to shed new light on the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, which came to light in 2013 and caused a major scandal.

The testimony is also likely to be highly embarrassing for the Obama administration, as it will reveal how senior officials at the IRS discussed the targeting of conservative groups.

This is a major defeat for the Obama administration and a victory for transparency. The American people have a right to know what happened at the IRS, and this ruling will help to ensure that they get the answers they deserve.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: “Lois Lerner’s IRS was abused by Obama and his congressional allies to suppress the Tea Party movement and other opponents in the run-up to his reelection.

“The Obama IRS scandal was a run-through for the abuse of Trump in 2016 and beyond by Obama agencies and appointees. These depositions of Obama’s IRS officials will help Americans understand the continued clear and present danger of the IRS to our civil liberties.”

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