February 19, 2025


News & Information

FBI Searches Headquarters of Covid Testing Company

2 min read

The FBI did not give a reason for the search, but the Center for COVID Control is facing multiple investigations over allegations of falsely telling consumers that COVID-19 test results were inconclusive and fraudulently reporting to the government that patients were uninsured in order to increase profits.

“The FBI conducted court-authorized law enforcement activity in Rolling Meadows on Saturday. Department of Justice policy prevents the FBI from commenting on the subject or nature of any investigations that may or may not be occurring,” a spokesperson for the FBI told the Washington Examiner. “Generally speaking, and not to be construed as a comment on the aforementioned, the FBI always stands ready to protect the American people from fraudulent and criminal activity.”

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, is investigating the Center for COVID Control and has discovered “deficiencies” in the company’s main lab.

The Center for COVID Control received over $124 million from the federal government and has operated hundreds of test sites in over 26 states, collecting roughly 80,000 COVID-19 tests per day, according to USA Today. CEO Akbar Siyaj, 35, and his wife, Aleya Siyaj, 29, drew public attention for social media posts showing off their wealth, which included a $1.36 million mansion, the news outlet reported.

A spokesperson for the HHS’s Office of the Inspector General also confirmed to the Washington Examiner that the search took place and that it participated in the search with the FBI but did not specify a reason.

The Center for COVID Control is facing multiple other investigations for its business practices, including from the Illinois attorney general’s office, several regional Better Business Bureau officials, and the Oregon Department of Justice.

The Minnesota attorney general is the latest to file a complaint against the company, accusing it Wednesday of deceptive advertising. The complaint alleged that the company falsely told the federal government that some of its clients were uninsured, when they actually had insurance, to get more money from the government. The complaint also accused the company of falsely telling customers that their test results were inconclusive and that they needed to take another one.

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