BUSTED: Black Rifle Coffee Magazine’s Editor Donated To Biden, High Profile Employees Gave To Democrats
3 min read
Black Rifle Coffee has a number of high profile employees who donated to Democrats, including their social media manager, and their magazine’s editor who gave money to Biden.
Black Rifle Coffee, the supposedly pro-America, pro-military coffee company, has come under fire in recent days for attacking their customer base. Evan Hafer and Mat Best, the CEO and Executive VP respectively, were interviewed for a ~10,000 word piece for the New York Times last week, and railed in the interview about customers who claimed they were “racist,” including the multi-racial Proud Boys organization, swearing repeatedly, and describing America First supporters as being “repugnant.”
“The racism [expletive] really pisses me off,” Hafer said. “I hate racist, Proud Boy-ish people. Like, I’ll pay them to leave my customer base. I would gladly chop all of those people out of my [expletive] customer database and pay them to get the [expletive] out.”
Hafer even confirmed that a new coffee bag design, featuring a “Renaissance-style rendering of St. Michael the Archangel, a patron saint of military personnel, shooting a short-barreled rifle,” would now never “see the light of day,” with Hafer having apparently been told by “a friend at the Pentagon” that supposed “white supremacists” were adopting the design “because it was reminiscent of the murder of George Floyd.”
Now it has been revealed that a number of key employees at Black Rifle Coffee have donated money to Democrat organisations. FEC records, first highlighted, John Cardillo, show that Ayse Altunisik, who is in control of what the company puts on social media, and Chris Omer, the VP of IT at Black Rifle Coffee, both donated to ActBlue, a Democrat organisation, that helps Democrat candidates and leftist organisations raise money online.
As Black Rifle Coffee blocks conservatives, it’s important to understand that CEO @EvanHafer hired ActBlue Dem donors to run his IT and social media.
Further investigation from National File showed that even more employees at Black Rifle Coffee who gave money to organizations who seemingly go against the very ethos of the company. Donna Ng, an editor at the company’s online magazine, who would have control over what is published, donated $500 in total to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, and David Rhee, a senior financial analyst at the company, also donated to ActBlue.
National File’s Tom Pappert spoke to the CEO of Covfefe Coffee, a pro-Trump competitor to Black Rifle Coffee, who highlighted one potential reason for their conversion into “the official coffee of the woke military-industrial complex” from the pro-Trump, pro-America coffee they had started off as. In December 2017, Sterling Partners, a liberal venture capitalist firm that has donated millions of dollars to Democrats, invested in Black Rifle Coffee.
“Is this the owner’s decision, or is this really the powers that be running these things, and making them apologise for their previous statements, making them distance themselves,” Covfefe Coffee’s CEO said. “It kind of seems like it’s all coordinated… They are doubling down on reimagining their company, they’re reworking their entire brand. They’re trying to be more inclusive.”