July 27, 2024


News & Information

America’s Taxpayer funded Government Agencies Pose the biggest threat to Americans and Democracy.

4 min read

A group of 3,000 ordinary citizens, armed with nothing more than an Internet connection, is often making better forecasts of global events than CIA analysts. Here, a man crosses the CIA logo at its headquarters in Langley, Va.

Just recently one Ex-CIA chief suggests GOP sitting senator’s removal ‘from human race’.

‘That’s totally a sane thing that someone who is not a wannabe autocratic oligarch would say’

A former chief of the CIA has shocked social media with his blunt advocacy for the removal “from the human race” of a sitting U.S. senator, Tommy Tuberville, a Republican from Alabama.

Hayden, who infamously signed onto a letter during the 2020 election that falsely suggested the Biden family scandals revealed in a computer that Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop was Russian disinformation, responded on social media to a question about whether Tuberville should be removed from committee assignments in the Senate.

Tuberville has been the target of leftists and Democrats because of his objections to the Pentagon apparently violating federal law by using taxpayer funding to facilitate abortions. The leftists in the Pentagon adopted that policy when the Supreme Court last year overturned Roe v. Wade and some states started regulating the lucrative industry.

Tuberville simply has put a hold on automatic promotions for Pentagon officials, meaning the Senate has to vote on them individually, rather than ramming through a long list of promotions on one vote.

A commentary at Twitchy explained, “U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has been holding up Biden-nominated military promotions since the end of August. For Tuberville, this hold is based on two principles: protesting the military’s paid abortion services and his objections to Biden’s nominees as ‘woke’ and more interested in social justice, race, and gender issues instead of actually serving the needs of America and the military.”

It continued, “Tuberville has been taking heat for his stance from the usual suspects: the left and the U.S. security state (sorry, that’s redundant). But since Hamas terrorists attacked Israel over the weekend, killing civilians and taking hostages, including American citizens, that heat just escalated to a frightening point.

“Last night, retired NSA and CIA director General Michael Hayden publicly suggested that Tuberville be killed for his stance. Because that’s totally a sane thing that someone who is not a wannabe autocratic oligarch would say (turn on your sarcasm detectors if they aren’t already).”

The issue involves Tuberville’s membership of the Armed Services Committee.

But, the commentary said removing Tuberville from that position wouldn’t be enough, according to Hayden, who “suggested assassination.”

“Thanks to Mollie Hemingway for reminding everyone exactly who Hayden is. He promoted fictional Russia collusion, he lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, and previously at NSA was responsible for warrantless wiretapping of Americans (thanks, Patriot Act) and the failed Trailblazer Project online surveillance program. And oh, by the way, he is also on record saying that he doesn’t believe in the Fourth Amendment and that probable cause is not required for all searches and seizures.”

Social media comments included, “That would be treason, Mickey,” and “You’re calling for the extermination of your political enemies here.”

And, “This guy is an absolute psychopath. And he was the director of the CIA! These are the types of people who run our nation’s intelligence agencies.”

And, “How is the @FBI and @CapitolPolice not bringing in this person?? If I, or you, said anything remotely close to this, I’d have them knocking on my door right now!”

Hayden already is known on social media for calling those with whom he disagrees politically “racists” and “idiots.”

“Them: The media and the deep state are not out to get Republicans, that’s a conspiracy theory. CNN National Security Analyst And Former Head Of The CIA Michael Hayden: Tommy Tuberville should be assassinated,” tweeted Logan Dobson, vice president of GOP strategy firm Targeted Victory.

From the FBI’s attempted Coup in the 2016 Election by FBI brass, to the 50 Signatures claiming that the Hunter Biden Laptop was just Russian disinformation, to the FBI’s branding American parents as terrorists , and infiltrating Christian churches to spy on American church goers, these people have not only gotten out of line but have become America’s Nazi like Stasi,or communist China’s State Security Ministry‘; and they pose a danger to the very people funding them as well as Democracy in America. 

We witnessed first hand the FBI’s attempts in 2016, to take Trump out of the running and then saddle his administration with a phoney Russian collusion hoax. An endevure with they knew was a hoax, but cost American tax payers over 40 Million dollars to carry out with the Muller investigation.

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